If the run from the house to the street is short (under 60 feet) I’d use Type L soft copper. It is less likely to break and it has no fittings in the ground except at each end of the pipe. I’d also put foam insulation around the copper run. For longer runs my next choice would be schedule 40 PVC pipe. Not a bad choice at all.

I would not use flexible plastic – that is black poly pipe. It comes in a roll. It is too soft. Hard surfaces (rocks) rub holes in it and where ever there is a transition to another type of pipe or an elbow it will leak there – because of the hard adapter, radiator clamps, and the soft pipe. These connectors will break over time. I repair them weekly. Schedule 40 PVC or copper is the best way to go with water mains.


  1. Korey

    I know this post is a few years old. Would you consider running schedule 80 pvc pipe as opposed to schedule 40 for outdoor runs like this? Here is an example of the gray stuff: http://www.pvcfittingsonline.com/pipe/schedule-80-pvc-pipe.html that i’m looking at. I’ve heard schedule 80 is more commercial grade. I thought maybe it was better suited for this type of application?


    • Anthony

      Both types are approved for outdoor use in many situations, and what’s better for you depends on many factors that we unfortunately can’t address. You might want to pose your question at our partner forum, http://www.plbg.com/ – there are plenty of helpful people there that should be able to help.

    • Kevin Logan

      Can you use a 90 coming off the main intp copper piping?

    • Susan Marie Townsend

      gray pipe is for electrical white is for water they are the same material but for different trades

  2. Jeb R.

    What size in diameter would you use for this?

  3. Mike

    I have a run of pipe to go from the meter to the house about 200 to 250 lots of rock any idea,s??

    • Anthony

      PVC is probably going to be your best bet, but you should really consult with a local plumber who can actually take a look at the situation. Best of luck!

    • Steve P

      Can you use a shark bite on black roll pipe like you use for a water line from meter to house. I’m trying to keep the full 1” opening for more water flow. If not any other suggestions to connections that will work. Water flow is always open. Never much pressure on it. Thanks

    • Susan Townsend

      when the trench is dug dig it 3″ deeper put washed sand in the trench to protect the pipe I would use copper K or the blue for buried and cover it with at least 3′ more sand !
      then dirt on top.

  4. Fran

    3/4 street meter, street to house 900 feet. 3 bath home ( 5000 sq feet ) question would 1 1/2 inch line from street to house be OK? currently have 3/4 line and its not good

    • Tom Dunnavant

      Perhaps have meter upgraded to 1 or 2 inch, use 1.5 to 2.0 pipe and while you say 3/4 not good, maybe their is a regulator at or near the meter that is damaged or set to a low setting. They do often fail. Using a pressure meter on a faucet might give you an indication if you have a pressure issue… less than 50 PSI is suspect.

    • brad mcgavin

      what did you end up doing? I’m in a similar situation

    • Susan Townsend

      The question is how big of line does the city have ran if its 3/4″ you don’t gain any thing by going bigger because 3/4 inch is your biggest pipe you might need a bigger meter to accommodate a larger line?

  5. Terry Hospodar

    I have 350 ft from the meter to house. What sise pvc should i use

  6. James

    My suggestion would be to use PVC pipes due to the fact that these pipes does not rust, deteriorate, or degrade over time

  7. Mack

    Just found a leak in my watermain leading to the house. It looks like it’s been worked on before and there is black pipe in some sort of connection and the white pvc. Would that be the black poly you were warning us about? I’m in need of an emergency fix until I can replace all the poly if that’s what it is. Can I connect poly to white pvc for a quick fix?

  8. Belinda

    I want to run water softener line from outside inlet, up the outside house wall through the eve of the house into the attic and down to the laundry room (middle of house) where the water softener will be located. what is the type of pipe is suggested for outside exposure? I was considering putting the schedule 40 water line inside a larger pipe and filling the the outer casing with insulation or insulating foam. Would this work?

  9. Stan Berry

    68’ straight line meter to house. I’ve located and trenched the current copper service line (3/4”). What material should I replace it with. I am a DIY. Have patched the copper with pin holes on several occasions. Is this as simple as cutting each end and reconnecting with new ?. Comments please.

  10. Mike

    Water tap to the future house is approximately 1000-1100 feet up hill. What type and size water pipe should be used for 2 and a half bath, laundry, etc., 2 outside on house and 2 frost free faucets near barn and middle of field next to animal shelters.

  11. Robert

    Having trouble with aboveground PVC piping Live in smal bush town .Can I replace it with galvo pipe from watermeter to house ( have 2 acer house block)l

  12. David Schalchlin

    i have and additional question to ask on this subject. I am building a new home on 26 acres and it is about 1800ft from the main line and meter placement to where my Home will sit. Suggestion on what type and size of pipe should be used in this situation with it being so far to run water line. I also have a small dry creek bed to run the line under.

  13. Villayat

    I have a 130-140 ft run from the inside house wall to the water meter. The plumber used a 1.5″ PVC white pipe that run 60- 65 ft and then he joint with another old pvc pipe (that was in the ground previously) to connect to the water meter. My question is, shouldn’t it be a single run instead of a joint and specially with some older pipe (I building a new house).. looking for advice


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