courtesy of BBC News, Delhi, India – by Ayanjit Sen

Better hygiene must be practiced, says the rural affairs chief.

Village council candidates in India should be allowed to stand for election only if they have a toilet at home, the rural development minister says.
In a letter to all chief ministers, Raghuvansh Prasad Singh …

Continue reading No toilet, no political seat, says Raghuvansh Prasad Singh rural development minister

courtesy of CNN

The Intelligence Toilet system checks your blood pressure before dispensing advice on diet and exercise.

Health checks from your doctor could be replaced by visits to the bathroom, thanks to a smart toilet developed by a Japanese company.

The ‘Intelligence Toilet’ system, created by Japan’s largest toilet company, Toto, can measure sugar …

Continue reading Clever toilet checks on your health

Taxpayers own million-dollar biffy
Tom Brodbeck, January 20, 2005

City hall wants the $1-million toilet on the dink bridge open to the public — even if it’s in the middle of a swanky, martini-serving restaurant on the footbridge’s 4,000-square-foot plaza. It seems fair. After all, we paid a million bucks for the award-winning toilet. We …

Continue reading It’s a pay-toilet I’ll use